Living in Confidence

Life's Consciousness

Welcome to my website "Living inConfidence" 


Quotes that capture the essence of my work and of this site:

  • Body and mind form a whole, one cannot exist without the other
  • Physical programs and difficult situations are opportunities for transformation: from fear to confidence
  • True transformation must be felt and experienced in the body
  • Get to know the deep wisdom of your body!
  • Only man has been given a spark of Divine creative power
  • That spark of creative power is the basis of the biological laws of nature
  • It's all about feeling; insight is only the first step!

The human mind

Many people are becoming aware and discovering "how it works" on an ever deeper level. More and more books are also appearing about the power of the human mind and our creative ability.
There is also a large number of people working with the biological laws of nature and its implications. However, the combination of these two aspects of the same principle is still very little propagated, and that is precisely what gives so much insight.

My activities focus on the biological laws of nature and the functioning of the physical body, but always link to the cosmic laws of creation and how LIFE functions in its totality. For our bodies teach us how LIFE works, what GOD is and who we are. So above, so below. So LIFE, so BODY.


Under activities you will see the online workshops that I teach. In the subdivision you will find a description of the different workshops and form to sign up. Also there are the general conditions, the costs for the various activities and a disclaimer.
On the page Interviews and Presentations page all videos, which can be found scattered on this site, are conveniently put together. You will also find a number of radio interviews and a nice English-language interview with Alvin D'Leon.
Details about many natural programs and their biological significance can be found on the website
How the mind controls the body.

My intention

As commonly known, 2012 was an important year, it was, among other things, the year in which the Mayan Calendar ended. The Maya did not announce the end of the world, on the contrary, it is a creation story and it shows that creation was completed in 2012. We have now experienced everything we need as "Divine co-creators" to continue this ourselves in a good way. We are now full-fledged "Co-Creators."

On the one hand, one can notice that a lot of "old pain" is being worked out: a lot of anger, sadness and fears have to be lived through. This happens to wake us up; it is not a punishment, it is necessary. On the other hand, you see many wise people rising up to tell us what we need to know to indeed wake up. Nothing happens for nothing, everything has its reason.

Awareness is something that has always fascinated me and especially in recent years I have gained a tremendous amount of insights. These come in part from knowing the biological laws of nature and "living" these insights. The biological laws were discovered and brought out by Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer and tell you how the mind controls the body. Not only do they represent a completely different medical paradigm, they also provide a completely different attitude to life.

In the fall of 2012, I came across the book "Christ Returns." In the form of 9 letters, Jesus tells what insights he gained 2000 years ago and what he wanted to tell humanity at that time. I recognized that from this comes the same attitude to life as from the biological laws, but in relation to everything that can happen to you in life and what happens in the world. For me, biological laws are a perfect reflection of the cosmic laws of existence from Christ Returns. You can order the book and read the letters in various languages online at the website Christuswijs.

My activities

Through lectures and workshops I want to share my knowledge and insights with anyone who is interested. Besides the knowledge of the biological laws and Christ Returns I also use the ideas of the Course in Miracles (CIM) and the insights of many others: the Inca Shamans, Jaap Hiddinga, Kiesha Crowther, Anastasia, "The Geometry of Creation" of Drunvalo Melchizedek, Ute Kretchmar, Eckhart Tolle, The Esoteric Society, etc. Combining these knowledge and insights creates an overall picture that gives immense peace and confidence, something that is very important in these times.

However, it is my picture, created from my beliefs, my perceptions and my conditioning. I invite everyone to use my picture to develop their own. This is a fantastic journey of discovery, enjoy it!

During this journey of discovery, you will encounter many doubts and insecurities. To transform downward or remove the emotional charge that often blocks you from truly daring to trust, I use "Healing through Feeling". This is a simple technique that anyone can learn and apply to themselves and their family members. In essence, it should be instilled in us from the very beginning.

Under Activities you will find more information about the presentations and workshops. Also on this site are many (Dutch) testimonials of people who have healed themselves in "miraculous" ways by trusting their bodies and their natural programs. A brief explanation of the 9 letters of Christ from "Christ Returns," the biological laws, the Course in Miracles and the Mayan Calendar can be found at Sources of Inspiration.

Life's Wisdom is based on the combination of all my inspirations. It is my personal interpretation, my picture, my beliefs.

A summary of my own journey of discovery can be read at About Me, in which I also talk about how my thesis came about. To get an impression of its contents, you can download the preview copy.


Living in Confidence is part of the company "Bionomie"


If you have question or comments about this website, please contact me through the form below or e-mail me.